Have you ever wondered - would your blue be my red?
And do you remember that time when you were a child and you saw the magic everywhere?
My Work and Inspiration
We perceive moments, things and situations differently and that fact is what I most enjoy to play with in my artwork.
My art is inspired by nature and especially the sea. Blue, in its many forms and intensities, is the colour that represents love and harmony for me. I have always been fascinated by images and documentaries of the deep sea and its sea life with many colours and creatures to discover, sometimes beyond my wildest imaginations.
As a snorkeler and diver, I especially appreciate New Zealand’s underwater world with its tall growing kelp and the fine pink coralline algae that grows on the rocks. It is a beautiful sign for a healthy environment. And the deeper I dive the more colours fade and only blue keeps me company.
I enjoy creating mystical underwater worlds and landscapes using the acrylic pouring technique. I love to experiment with deep blues, mixed with some greens here and there, and throwing in little bits of red and yellow to bring the painting alive. Jellyfish are my favourite sea creature to paint. They are majestic and mesmerizing to look at, floating through the deep blue space that resembles the stars and universe.
Another fascination of mine is painting trees in surreal or more abstract settings. In Germany, I grew up in range of a national park and its wide forests. Together with my family we went out on adventures on the bike or with a little basket to look for edible wild mushrooms. The connection between trees, animals and fungi unfolded in front of my eyes. Trees are not only the worlds’ lungs. They have hierarchies, social systems, care for their sick and dying, protect their youngest members and live in symbiosis with other species.
For most people, the deep-sea world and the secret society of trees are invisible. And so are the threats to their existence. What is out of sight is sometimes out of mind. With my artwork, I want to take you into the breath-taking world of the shallow and deep sea and the airy life of trees. I want you to emerge in the beauty that exists in this world and remind you why it is worth saving.
If you are curious what inspires me, click on Inspiration or just have a look through my artwork and Behind the Scenes to find out more.
About Me
I find it exciting to execute a new idea with a promising technique.
I was born in Germany, lived in Spain and Costa Rica and am now enjoying life as a New Zealand resident.
I have travelled all over the world and a variety of impressions, spiritual beliefs and techniques from different cultures have shaped my unique style. Currently working in poured paint techniques, I create mystical yet recognisable underwater worlds and landscapes. I love to tease and challenge your imagination with my surrealistic and abstract style and believe that countless worlds are accessible through art - and in the end an artwork always reflects the inner self of the perceiver.
Where can you see my work:
If you would like to see a particular painting live, please contact me through the contact form and we can arrange a time.
Also, The Kiwi Art House Gallery on Cuba Street displays a selection of my work throughout the year.
Exhibition History
Since I arrived in New Zealand in 2015 I have exhibited in various solo and group exhibitions in the Wellington region and receive various commission requests from Europe, New Zealand and Chile that keep me busy.
February 2023 - Paekakariki Art Show - Invited Artist, Paekakariki, New Zealand
April 2021 - Solo Exhibition "Natural Emotions, Wellington, New Zealand
April 2021 - Paekakariki Art Show - Invited Artist, Paekakariki, New Zealand
March 2021 - Autumn exhibition New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts, Wellington, New Zealand
January 2021 - Cash and Carry exhibition New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts, Wellington, New Zealand
December 2020 - Summer exhibition New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts, Wellington, New Zealand
September 2020 - Spring exhibition New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts, Wellington, New Zealand
December 2019 - Group Christmas Exhibition, Kiwi Arthouse Gallery, Wellington, New Zealand
December 2019 - New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts (NZAFA) Summer Exhibition, Wellington, New Zealand
October 2019 - Rotary Club Exhibition - Paraparaumu, New Zealand
March 2019 - Solo Exhibition, Kiwi Arthouse Gallery, Wellington, New Zealand
December 2018 - NZAFA Summer Cash and Carry, Welligton, New Zealand
October 2018 - Rotary Club Exhibition - Paraparaumu, New Zealand
September 2018 - NZAFA Autumn Exhibition, Wellington, New Zealand
July 2018 - Solo Exhibition, White House, Wellington, New Zealand
June 2018 - featured on Time Square, New York, USA
December 2017 - NZAFA Summer exhibition, Wellington, New Zealand
September 2017 - NZAFA Autumn Exhibition, Wellington, New Zealand
December 2016 - Christmas Exhibition, Kiwi Arthouse Gallery, Wellington, New Zealand
Enjoy exploring my website and if you would like to share your impressions and what you see in a particular painting, I would love to hear from you! 🙂
About the artist